National Bike Month

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May is National Bike Month! It’s a celebration of using bicycles as transportation, recreation, and is helpful to our well-being and everyday lives! Bicycling is good for the environment and your health. Fewer vehicles on the road means less traffic air pollution. Unlike motor vehicles, bicycles produce zero carbon footprint. It’s good for your wallet, too: Bicycling is an inexpensive and reliable way to get to the places you want to go.

National reports have shown that people in low-income, marginalized communities and communities of color often rely on walking and biking as their main sources of transportation. This means safer bicycling is critical in addressing transportation inequities and people.

While bicycle safety is important year-round, during National Bike Month in May we bring increased awareness to the issue. Below are some safety tips for bicyclists:

  • Just like seat belts help save lives in a vehicle crash, bicycle helmets save lives, too. When biking, always wear a helmet.
  • A concept called Safety in Numbers shows that when more people ride bikes together, drivers behave more safely around them on the roads. If you can, bring a friend next time you go on a bicycle ride!
  • To make it easier for drivers to see you, have reflectors and lights on your bike, and wear retroreflective and bright clothing.

We hope you enjoy a nice bicycle ride during this time! Our partners at RTC are promoting Cycling events all month long! For more information visit:


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