Bike Healthy Tips

| Physical Activity

Biking can be a fun and healthy opportunity for fitness and transportation. This is true whether it is biking to work or visiting a friend. The benefits stretch beyond health, biking can help reduce traffic congestion, enhance your quality of life, save you money and its fun!

There are many things going on in Clark County to make is safer and easier for you to use your bike!  Currently in Clark County there are over hundreds of miles of bike lanes with plans to add more in the coming years.

Bike Healthy Tips:

-Have your bike inspected for safety and mechanical issues at your local bike shop.
-Always wear a helmet to protect your head.
-Ride in the right-most lane that goes in the direction you are traveling.
-Obey all stop signs, traffic lights and lane markings.
-Look before you change lanes or signal a turn; indicate your intention, then act.
-Be visible and predictable at all times: wear bright clothing and signal turns.
-Start slowly. If you have not been biking for a long time, it’s best to start out slowly. Gradually you can add miles or time to your rides.


Whether you bike to work/school or ride around your neighborhood, biking is a great way to increase your physical activity and have fun at the same time.


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