Healthy Drink Alternatives

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If you find it hard to make the switch to stop drinking soda or other sugary drinks, start slowly. When you opt for a sugar-loaded drink, choose a smaller size and don’t do any refills. Limit the number of times you choose to drink these beverages. Don’t add sugary drinks to your shopping list. If you don’t have it at home, you won’t be as likely to drink it. There are plenty of healthy and tasty alternatives to sugar-sweetened beverages. Here are a few:

Healthy Drink Alternatives:
Watermelon Delight – Blend 1/2 cup diced watermelon with 1/2 cup water, strain pulp, and add a lime slice.
Citrus Light – Cut up oranges, limes, and cucumbers, place them in a pitcher of water for 2 hours, strain and serve.
Grape Sparkler– Mash a handful of sweet grapes into a bowl, pour juice into a glass and fill to top with seltzer water.
Lite Lemonade – Mix juice from 1 squeezed lemon with 1 cup water, then add a few drops of honey for sweetness.
Watermelon Lemonade – Puree 4 cups cubed seedless watermelon with juice from 3 lemons and pour over ice.
Fresh Fruit Cooler – Blend 1/2 cup ice, 3/4 cup sugar-free sparkling water, 1/3 cup melons or berries until slushy. Garnish with mint leaves or citrus slice.
Tropical Smoothie – In a blender, puree melon chunks or peach slices with fat-free (skim) milk, crushed ice, and a touch of ginger or cinnamon until smooth.
•Add a twist of lemon or lime (or a little juice) to seltzer water
•Unsweetened Ice Tea
•A slice of cucumber or raspberries added to water (subtle, but refreshing)
•A mint leaf or two (”bruise” them a little to release the flavor)
•A lavender flower or another edible flower
•Sugar free drink mixes often come in a single serving and make it easy to pour into a water bottle

Try out these recipes and slowly add them into your routine!

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