School’s Out. Meals are In.

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Although school may be out for the summer, nutritious and healthy meals are still available to all children and teens 18 and younger. No enrollment or paperwork required.

As part of the Summer Food Service Program, children and teens can receive up to 2 meals per day at no cost. The Summer Food Service Program is a nutrition program funded by the USDA and administered by the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

Meals sites may include schools, recreational centers, faith-based organizations, community centers, day camps.

Find school meal sites sponsored by Clark County School District here:

Find community meal sites sponsored by ThreeSquare here:

Alternatively, you can text “Summer Meals” to 914-342-7755 or call 1-866-348-6479.

Meal sites may require meals to be eaten on site please check with meal sites for exact guidelines.

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