Ideas for Keeping your Kids Active Indoors

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Have you heard the words “I’m bored” several times this week? We have some suggestions for ways to get you and your kids moving while at home. Regular physical activity is essential to health and wellbeing and the benefits don’t stop because we’re all home practicing social distancing. It is important that we are all still getting the recommended amounts of activity to maintain health.

We wanted to share some resources to get everyone moving during this time of social distancing. Here are some free resources that make it possible for people of all ages to be active at home:

Fitness Breaks with Pro Athletes: Online videos of various professional athletes doing quick fitness breaks. Provided by Alliance for Healthier Generation

PE with Joe: The Body Coach will be hosting a free daily PE workout aimed at kids on his YouTube channel.

Play at Home Recess: Playworks is coming to you live 3x a day, 5 days a week, with opportunities for kids to engage in fun and interactive PLAY!

Adults need to activity breaks too! Join your kids in completing these activities and be active as a family.

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