Get with the Guidelines– New high blood pressure guidelines
According to the new high blood pressure guidelines revised by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, an estimated 46% of U.S. adults are identified as having high blood pressure. The new guidelines eliminate the category of prehypertension, categorizing patients as having either elevated (120-129 and less than 80) or Stage 1 hypertension (130-139 or 80 to 89).
See the new guidelines below.

Normal BP: American Heart Association recommends healthy lifestyle choices and yearly checks.
Elevated BP: American Heart Association recommends healthy lifestyle changes and a reassessment in 3-6 months.
High BP (stage 1): American Heart Association recommends 10-year heart and stroke risk assessment. If less than 10% risk, lifestyle changes and a reassessment in 3-6 months. If higher, lifestyle changes and medication with monthly follow-ups until BP is controlled.
High BP (stage 2): American Heart Association recommends lifestyle changes and two different classes of medicine, with monthly follow-up until BP is controlled.
Some easy ways to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke:
Quit Smoking: Quitting tobacco is a process. Call the Nevada Tobacco Quitline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW for help with each step of the way.
Eat Healthy: Everything we eat and drink matters. You’ll make better choices when you plan meals in advance, know what’s in the pantry, make a list, shop the perimeter, don’t shop while hungry and read food labels.
Get Moving: It’s easy. Find an activity you like and start slow. Choose the right footwear, keep track on your progress, and reward yourself along the way.
For more information go to Get Healthy Clark County.