Nevada Moves Day 2020

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Nevada Moves Day encourages K-8 students, school staff and families to get physically active. In Clark County, Nevada Moves Day has expanded to become more of a Nevada Moves Week to accommodate individual school schedules. Join us March 16th-20th and celebrate the benefits of walking and biking to school.

Special events, like Nevada Moves Day, remind students (and parents) how much fun walking or biking to and from school can be. Nevada Moves Day has inspired schools and parents to start weekly walking and biking programs. These types of special events can also highlight the barriers and opportunities that face those that want to walk or bike, such as:

  • Increased awareness of how walk/bike-friendly a community is and where improvements can be made
  • Increased physical activity opportunities
  • Reduction of traffic congestion and air pollution near schools
  • Increased concern for the environment
  • Opportunity for children, parents, and community leaders to spend time together and experience their community from the pedestrian and bicyclist perspective

Schools sign up by completing this short survey


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