Smoke-Free Housing
Finding a place to call home is hard, but finding a smoke-free home in your preferred type of property can be even harder, if you don’t know where to look! There are over 60,000 smoke-free units listed in our smoke-free housing directory below.
All of the properties included in the listing below have self-reported that they have buildings where all units within are 100% smoke-free. However, the places listed may have some buildings that allow smoking, and may allow smoking on patios or in other outdoor spaces. Smoke-free policies can vary by property and may solely include tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, cannabis, or a combination of these. Please inquire about a 100% smoke-free building policy when calling a community and before signing a lease.
Apartment Owners and Managers: If you own or manage smoke-free apartments and would like to be included in the Smoke-Free Housing Directory, please fill out the request form here.
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Icon Legend
: Smoke-Free
: Vape-Free
: Cannabis-Free
: Smoke-Free lease submitted